The Network
Francesca Noardo
Open Geospatial Consortium
Giada Malacarne
Fraunhofer Italia
Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Angelo Ciribini
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Lavinia Tagliabue
University of Turin
Jantien Stoter
TU Delft
Lars Harrie
Lund University
Alain Waha
Buro Happold
Daniel Mondino
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Jaan Saar
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia
Ilektra Papadaki
European Commission
Hasim Tezerdi
Gemeente Rotterdam
Fabian Ståhl
Anka Lisec
University of Ljubljana
Jernej Tekavec
University of Ljubljana
Dogus Guler
Istanbul Technical University
Souheil Soubra
Rollo Home
Ordnance Survey
Nancy Niemann
Norwegian Mapping Authority
Milena Feustel
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
Maria Pla
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
Santi Sánchez
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
Joonas Jokela
National Land Survey of Finland
Ivar Overland
The Norwegian Mapping Authorities
Benedicte Bucher
Ecole nationale des Sciences géographiques
Perola Olsson
Lund University
Jekaterina Masjaguto
Vantaan rakennusvalvonta
Lennart Senger
Niki Cauberg
Stepanka Tomanova
Czech standardization agency (ČAS)
Antero Hirvensalo
Synecon Ltd.
Nicholas Nisbet
Fulvio Re Cecconi
Politecnico di Milano
Ignasi Perez Arnal
Christopher Raitviir
Tallinn Urban Planning Department
Maria Klonner
Eilif Hjelseth
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Rob Roef
Rizal Sebastian
Wim van der Poel
Wageningen University & Research
Thorsten Walter
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Judith Fauth
Technical University of Munich
Raquel Teixeira dos Santos
B-city architecten
Anthony Tuffour
Buro Happold
Ophélie Vincendon
Etat de Genève
Petri Kokko
SOVA3D Studio of Virtual Architecture Oy
André Vonthron
VSK Software GmbH
Emmanuel Di Giacomo
Gregorio Saura
Miguel Azenha
University of Minho
José Granja
University of Minho
Milan Bor
Gemeente Bladel
Trajche Stojanov
Veikko Eeva
Rick Klooster
Future Insight BV
Pep Coll
Bimal Kumar
Northumbria University
Ali Ismail
Dubai Municipality
Kasper Miller
buildingSMART Korea
Pablo Gilabert
Cype Software
Claudia Vicentelo
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Alberto Pavan
Politecnico di Milano
Hugh Geoghegan
Lucian Ungureanu
Splendid Development
Harald Urban
Technische Universität Wien
Anna-Riitta Kallinen
ARK Consulting
C. Toth Ilona
Opinion Builders
Ricardo Jorge Gomes Mateus
Lusófona University
Jodi Joseph Asiag
Léon van Berlo
buildingSMART International
Ruben Verstraeten
Ghent University
Zijing Zhang
University College London
Andrei Crisan
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Stefanie Kaiser
University of Politehnica Timisoara
Tim McGinley
Technical University of Denmark
Lis O’Brien
Technological University of the Shannon
Bram Bazuin
Bruno Souza Muniz
University of Minho
Peter Nørkjær Gade
University College of Northern Denmark
Lulzim Bequiri
University for Business and Technology-UBT
Giorgio Mor
Università degli Studi di Genova
Chava Erlich
Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research
Rita Lavikka
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
João Neves Moutinho
Christian Schranz
Technische Universität Wien
Nicolas Schmidt
Basler & Hofmann, Switzerland
Sameh Alachkar
Student at TU Berlin, Germany
Maria Elena Pla Cuyàs
Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology, Spain
Eduard Loscos
IDP, Spain
Asmae Ben Bahida
Just BIM it, Belgium
Ana Abade
Mairead Phelan
National Building Control Office
Pablo Vicente Legazpi
Building Digital Twin Association – BDTA
Orjola Braholli
Researcher at Fraunhofer Italia
Jouni Ojala
CGI Suomi, Finland
Claire Ellul
UCL, London, UK
Adriana Spassova
Bulgarian Society of Construction Law (BSCL)
Gonçal Costa
IAR – Integrated Architecture Research
Marcel Stepien
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lisa Theresa Lenz
Building Information Cloud GLWG GmbH
Ronny Weinkauf
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
Paulo Torreão
TORCH Solutions
Eyad Jalal
University College London
Cathal O’Donnell
Davood Shojaei
The University of Melbourne
Fernando Lobo Schettini Figueiredo
Vertrio engenharia
João Neves Adelino
Adam Glema
Poznań University of Technology
Boris Kanka
Baudirektion Kanton Zürich
Tomasz Salata
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Tanya Bloch
Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Michael Lamot
Gabrielle de Frenne
Rebeca Herrera Rodriguez
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Anshika Karn
University of Ljubljana
Zhang Han-Lu-Simona
Suceava County Council
Søren Sti Andersen
Aarhus Ejendomme
Diana Aguilar
Madrid City Council
Jean Paldanius
Megan De Prins
Research centre in construction
Eymen Cagatay Bilge
Istanbul Ticaret University
Magnus Österbring
Ho Man Yau
Robert Gordon University
Wilfred van Woudenberg
Konstantinos Kessoudis
Evelyne Jost
Institute of Virtual Design and Construction, University of Applied Sciences...
Research Institutes
University of Technology (The Netherlands)
Expert in 3D city models and related standards (CityGML, CityJSON…); GeoBIM and spatial data integration; Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard; BIM (in particular: geometry representation and validation). Working for the integration of 3D (geo)information systems for use cases, through open...
Read MoreFraunhofer Italia Research (Italy)
Experts in BIM implementation in public administration; BIM requirements analysis to accomplish the building permit procedure; Statistical content/information/data analysis of building permit documentation; BIM asset development for public administration. Working for the integration of BIM models and geographic information system...
Read MoreUniversità di Brescia (Italy)
Expert in BIM implementation in public administration for exchange information requirements, model and code checking; BIM-enabled design management; building energy modelling and IoT-based asset management, procedural aspects of virtual reality implementation in collaborative design reviews; IoT-enabled construction management. Working for...
Read MoreUniversity of Minho (Portugal)
We are coordinating of EMJMD BIM A+. Our fields of interest alingn with digital building permits.
Read MoreTNO (The Netherlands)
The TNO team has a focus on automatic code checking based on BIM models. The team combines the expertise of open standard BIM technology, data management, artificial intelligence, design of buildings and building regulations. The team has developed an ecosystem...
Read MoreUniversity of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
The team from the Chair of geoinformatics has competences in GIS data and processes modelling (using standards such as UML), 3D geospatial data modelling by integrating various data sources, real property information systems and geospatial data support for decision making....
Read MoreRuhr University Bochum (Germany)
The Chair of Computing in Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum has been working on innovative concepts for the implementation of Building Information Modeling for many years. One focus is the development of digital approaches for the automated checking of...
Read MoreUniversity College London (UK)
GeoBIM research focusses on full lifecycle modelling – including: reality capture and sensor enabling for new and existing buildings and infrastructure; the use of geospatial data for planning and construction site safety and management; data management standards and protocols for...
Read MoreBelgian Building Research Institute (Belgium)
The Digital Construction division from the BBRI has competences in BIM technologies, including modelling, classification and standards, IFC, plugins developments and AR/VR. Working on all subjects concerning BIM through various Belgian and European research projects, the BBRI main goal is...
Read MoreInstitute of Construction Management and Digital Engineering (ICoM) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)
At the Institute for Construction Management and Digital Engineering (ICoM), the digitization of the construction industry and the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method are the focus of teaching and research. Industrial cooperations , qualification and education for professionals and guidance...
Read MoreDeutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH (DEGES) (Germany)
The German Unity motorway planning and construction company (DEGES) is a state-owned project management company which is responsible for planning and (re-)building of more than 3000km of federal highways and roads. It enhances the use of Building Information Modeling in all...
Read MoreIstanbul Technical University (Turkey)
The researchers have experience on the topics of geographic information systems (GIS) based modeling, spatial decision support systems, and land administration. The research being carried out in Geomatics Engineering Department focuses on creating a reformative framework including the use of...
Read MoreNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Norway)
NTNU is a university with main profile in science and technology. It has an international focus, with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Ålesund and Gjøvik. Use of BIM and digitalisataion is an expanding domain at Department of Civil and...
Read MoreNorthumbria University (UK)
Northumbria University is one of the leading universities in the UK engaged in research and knowledge exchange activities in digital construction.
Read MoreUniversità degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
Tenured teacher at the University of Genoa with a propensity towards integrated building plant design and BIM technologies.
Read MoreJerusalem Institute for Policy Research (Israel)
The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, which was established in 1978, is a leading and influential research and thought institute that issues from Jerusalem a sustainable social, economic, and spatial doctrine. The Institute is where reality shapers turn to in...
Read MoreVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland)
VTT is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. VTT is owned by the Finnish state and advances the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Currently, VTT is coordinating the ACCORD Horizon Europe project ( which...
Read MoreBUILT CoLAB (Portugal)
BUILT CoLAB aims to develop research, innovation, and knowledge transfer activities, with a view to increasing productivity, competitiveness, and sustainable growth of the Ecosystem of the AEC sector – Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, promoting the digital and climatic transformation of...
Read MoreTechnische Universität Wien (Austria)
We work on the openBIM submission and approval process for the City of Vienna, funded by the EU UIA: BRISE-Vienna
Read MoreIAR – Integrated Architecture Research (Spain)
International university campus offering studies in Engineering, Architecture, Business, Digital Arts, Animation, Philosophy and Humanities. Technology and innovation to solve the challenges facing society.
Read MoreTechnological University of the Shannon (Ireland)
The TUS Digital Academy for Sustainable Built Environment (DASBE) develops, designs, and deploys awards ranging from micro-accreditation (1-5 credits), and special purpose awards (5-30 credits), to Minor and Major qualifications for Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy, and Digital skills at levels...
Read MoreBulgarian Society of Construction Law (BSCL) (Bulgary)
The Bulgarian Society of Construction Law (BSCL), ESCL member, is a NGO founded in 2015 uniting the efforts of lawyers, researchers and construction professionals in Bulgaria for implementation of construction law best practices, including standardization and digitalization. Digital permitting aligns...
Read MoreLusófona University (Portugal)
EIGeS is a research unit in Industrial Engineering, Management, and Sustainability integrated into the Industrial Engineering and Management group of the Faculty of Engineering of Lusófona University. We develop research on urban planning and building permits in close connection with...
Read MoreGhent University (Belgium)
The Digital Design Research Group (DoT) is situated at the department of Architecture and Urban planning. Next to providing several courses in the realm digital design, we perform research in the Linked Building Data and building data standards domain.More specifically...
Read MoreTechnical University of Denmark (Denmark)
The Technical University of Denmark, often simply referred to as DTU, was founded in 1829 at the initiative of Hans Christian Ørsted as Denmark’s first polytechnic, and it is today ranked among Europe’s leading engineering institutions. It is located in...
Read MoreUniversity College of Northern Denmark (Denmark)
University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) is a university of applied sciences and provide higher education and perform research, development and innovation activities within the four main areas of business, social education, health and technology.
Read MoreUniversity for Business and Technology-UBT (Kosovo)
UBT offers a dynamic and innovative 21 century academic environment. UBT provides a supportive and challenging opportunity for the students, faculty and staff in participatory and self-governance setting.UBT is a modern and leading higher education institution in Kosovo, committed to...
Read MorePolitehnica University of Timisoara (Romania)
Politehnica University Timisoara is recognized as an outstanding actor on the research stage both nationally and internationally. The existence and operation of an important number of research centers (25), in which research teams successfully put into practice the research strategy...
Read MoreResearcher in BIM Development (Spain)
The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology Foundation – ITeC is a private non-profit organization. Established in 1978, we have since carried out research, design and development of technology-based products and services for the construction sector. We are a private foundation...
Read MoreMerseburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
As a professor of computer science and IT entrepreneur, I am fascinated by the relationship between theory and practice. Since the mid-1990s, the focus of my work has been on digitization and the digital transformation of administrative processes, especially in...
Read MoreThe University of Melbourne (Australia)
Melbourne University, a distinguished institution renowned for its excellence in education and research. Our institution stands at the forefront of advances in spatial science, pioneering innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of knowledge in this dynamic field. With a commitment...
Read MorePoznań University of Technology (Poland)
Poznań University of Technology is public higher education research institution with 2000 students and 28 study directions. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport, is one of ten faculties, graduating BSc, MSc and PhD national and international courses. Construction sector becomes...
Read MoreUniversity of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland)
The Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture focuses on research and education in the domains of land surveying and cartography, land management, environmental engineering, and landscape architecture, all of which are fields of study at the Faculty of Environmental...
Read MoreTechnion Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, department of construction management
Read MoreBuildwise (Belgium)
Buildwise is on a mission to perform scientific and technical research for the benefit of its members; to supply technical information, assistance and consultancy to its members; to contribute in general to innovation and development in the construction sector in...
Read MoreIstanbul Ticaret University (Türkiye)
I work in the domain of project management, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and architecture. I am dedicated to integrating BIM with Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standards to improve the building permit processes. My current focus is on accurate calculations of...
Read MoreRobert Gordon University (UK)
I had presented and published a paper on topic “Navigating Building Standards and Building Warrant Processes in Scotland Building Information Repositories’ at the EC3 2024 Conference
Read MoreInstitute of Virtual Design and Construction, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
The Institute of Virtual Design and Construction at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) focuses on advancing the digital transformation in the construction industry. Through applied research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovative education, the institut develops and...
Read MorePublic Institutions
Municipality of Rotterdam – Team Digital City & Department of building and housing supervision. Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
All types of specialists and experts who perform the entire range of tests for Building Permits, including outside inspectors and inspectors. And Digital city experts. Working for shortening the time spent on the licensing process, which is a good development...
Read MoreMunicipality of Bladel (The Netherlands)
The municipality of Bladel strongly encourages digitalization of governance processes.
Read MoreMunicipality of Merano (Italy)
The Chair of Computing in Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum has been working on innovative concepts for the implementation of Building Information Modeling for many years. One focus is the development of digital approaches for the automated checking of...
Read MoreVantaan rakennusvalvonta (Finland)
GeoBIM research focusses on full lifecycle modelling – including: reality capture and sensor enabling for new and existing buildings and infrastructure; the use of geospatial data for planning and construction site safety and management; data management standards and protocols for...
Read MoreAyuntamiento de Madrid (Spain)
The Building Directorate-General of Madrid municipality has been working on the implementation of Digital Building Permits since 2020 as part of the Digital Transformation Strategy of the local government of Madrid. We are aiming for the development of a semi-automation...
Read MoreSuceava County Council
Suceava County Council is the local public administration authority, established at the level of Suceava County to coordinate the activity of local councils, in order to provide public services of county interest.
Read MoreAarhus Ejendomme
Aarhus Municipality properties. We are building owner: 2,6 mio m², 1081 locations, +3700 Buildings, yearly budget: +1,1 Bio. Danish kr.
Read MoreNational Mapping and Cadastral Agencies
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) (Catalunya)
The Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) has competences on Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia, and also on the actions related to the awareness, survey and provide information about the soil and subsoil. Related to GeoBIM,...
Read MoreGovernmental agencies and institutions
Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (Estonia)
The objective of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is to provide a suitable legislative, economic and safe environment that fosters the development of the Estonian construction and housing sector ensured by efficient legislative drafting, standardisation and support programmes....
Read MoreEtat de Genève (Switzerland)
The State of Geneva manage the Territory of Geneva and the Building Permit instruction on it. It conducts a digitalisation of the buiding permit. Since 2017, the State of Geneva initiates a BIM approach for the Building Permit Process and...
Read MoreGaiurb – Urbanismo e Habitação, EM (Portugal)
Develop and implement plans and policies focuses on achieving a quality urban environment for Vila Nova de Gaia, working in partnership with the Municipality and the community.
Read MoreNational Building Control Office (Ireland)
National Building Control Office provides support for best practice in Building Control compliance management in Ireland
Read MoreBuilding Digital Twin Association – BDTA (Belgium)
The Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) join forces towards standarization in several aspects around digital twins in construction, such as roles and definitions, linked data, simulation, privacy or interoperability.
Read (Belgium) is responsible for managing renovation grants, implementing regional policy on urban planning, implementing regional policy on the conservation of movable and immovable heritage and managing operational programmes such as the Neighbourhood Contracts / Sustainable Neighbourhoods and the Urban Policy.
Read MorePrivate companies and professionals
Private companies
Cogital (UK)
We are an international Digital Transformation Agency for the Built-Asset Environment. We work with Owners, Consultants, Contractors, and Ventures to guide and support their Digital Transformation journey. We operate from our main offices in London and Düsseldorf, with partner offices...
Read MoreBuro Happold Ltd (UK)
We are an international, integrated consultancy of engineers, consultants and advisers. Operating in 25 locations worldwide, with 60 partners and over 1,900 employees; for over 40 years we have built a world-class reputation for delivering creative, value led solutions for...
Read MoreSynecon oy (Finland)
Process co-creation with cities and tech companies. Development of training modules.
Read MoreSova3D Ltd. (Finland)
Sova3D Ltd. develop 3D web-based city models and BIM based processess on top of it.
Read MoreLumoin (Finland)
We are a project finance fintech.
Read MoreBIM Academy (Spain)
BIM Academy boosts BIM methodology, Lean Construction and IPD processes across all stakeholders participating in all life cycle phases of construction. The connection of an automated CityXML to IFC and vice versa will open a series of possible services to...
Read MoreSIA Architects (Belgium)
We are an architectural firm created in 1995 and currently based in Belgium. We believe in collaboration as an engine of innovation and we are oriented towards new digital horizons to face new challenges in the field of architecture.
Read MoreAutodesk (USA)
Autodesk creates software for AEC professionals.
Read MoreDBA Group (Italy, Slovenia)
DBA GROUP is an indipendent holding (group of companies) specialized in Consultancy, Architectures, Engineering and Project Management services and ICT solutions focused on lifecycle management for building and mission critical infrastructure.
Read MoreZWEI Consulting / SEMOS Education (North Macedonia)
ZWEI Ltd is consulting company that works in the field of new technologies in AEC fields, particularly BIM. At the moment, our company works for Automatic Code Compliance Check Engine for Dubai Emirate. Our CEO is involved as a lecturer...
Read MoreFuture Insight (the Netherlands)
Future Insight is a young Dutch software development company. We provide innovative open solutions for organizing the living environment. For example with our Clearly collaboration tool and our full service open 3D Digital Twins. For this group the development our...
Read MoreEiPM (Spain)
We encourage, help and support our clients and costumers to lead the digital transformation in the assets management and construction industry through Building Information Modelling (BIM), Virtual Design Construction (VDC) and Project Information Management (PIM), and technologies such as Big...
IFCWebServer is an Open BIM Server and online viewer based on IFC standard and the only graph platform for BIM models. It supports QA/QC and Automatic Code Compliance Checking for BIM models based on IFC standard
Read MoreCype (Spain)
CYPE is a Spanish research intensive SME dedicated to the development of technical software for Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals. CYPE develops solutions based in Open BIM technology for many different areas: energy efficiency, structures, architecture, building facilities, urban planning,...
Read MoreXinaps (The Netherlands)
We developed a user-driven, easy-to-use Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that enables users to validate data, visualize models and report flaws in real-time in the late design and pre-construction stage.
Read MoredigitAEC Matters (Romania)
SME focused on supporting digitization and digitalization of architecture, engineering, and construction.
Read MoreRIB software (Germany)
The company RIB Software SE has been developing technical innovations for the construction sector since 1961. In the period from Dec 2021 to Nov 2024, RIB Software is lead partner of the research project „iECO“ (intelligent Empowerment of Construction Industry)...
Read MoreBimtech NGO (Romania)
Registered on 2016 in Romania as a not for profit association, on the short name BIMtech with the scope and mission of adopting BIM practices on the country.
Read MoreOpinion Builders Ltd. (Hungary)
Opinion Builders Ltd. is a Hungarian company offering integrated architectural, engineering, urban design, and open BIM solutions to clients. We believe technology and continuous learning are key to finding the best answer to a design challenge. We consider it important...
Read MoreARKCON (Finland)
ARKCON and Insinööritoimisto Kallinen Ltd services focus on construction sector and real estate consultancy, training, marketing and sales. Expertise in BIM, hospital projects and export projects.
Read MoreSWAPP (Israel)
By automating the many cumbersome and manual architectural and planning processes, SWAPP radically increases productivity and profitability for real estate developers, architects, general contractors, and other stakeholders.
Read MoreSemmtech (The Netherlands)
Semmtech is an interoperability service provider. They combine expertise in data and technology with a deep knowledge of complex Engineering industries, including Construction. Semmtech provides interoperability through semantic ontologies, and translating (PDF) documents to Linked Data Specification Libraries and Object...
Read MoreInstitute of Digital and Autonomous Construction (IDAC) at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) (Germany)
The Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction (IDAC) conducts interdisciplinary research in a broad wealth of areas related to digitalization in engineering. Integrating sensing, control, and information technologies, the IDAC team members work at the boundaries between traditional civil/environmental engineering...
Read MoreJust BIM it (Belguim)
Just BIM it provides a wide range of services in AEC sector from strategy implementa-on, project management, consultancy, and training. with the aim of developing sustainable digital transi-on for our trusted partners ac-ve in the public and private sectors. With...
Read MoreIDP (Spain)
The IDP Group is a global and multisectoral technical service company, founded in 1998, which is specialized in the fields of engineering, environment, and architecture. After 25 years, IDP is formed by more than 500 technical and multidisciplinary teams with...
Read MoreACTIONLAB (Portugal)
ACTIONLAB offers specialized public governance consulting services, including developing strategies and partnerships, developing the organization and its resources, funding applications, and more. Our team evidences has track record of results in projects of innovation and digital transformation in public administration,...
Read MoreBasler & Hofmann (Switzerland)
We are an independent engineering, planning and consulting company. We develop pioneering solutions for extensively used spaces. Specialists from over 30 disciplines work together to achieve this goal. Our joined-up thinking and our competency to see the big picture characterize...
Read MoreCGI Suomi (Finland)
CGI is developing digital building permiting and municipal registry software
Read MoreBuilding Information Cloud GLWG GmbH (Germany)
Building Information Cloud as an online platform is a software-as-a-service solution with which construction planning results can be optimized and automatically checked.
Read MoreTORCH Solutions (Brazil)
TORCH Solutions is a Company with over 24 years in the market and extensive experience in consulting and training for the AEC Sector. Our team is specialized in BIM technology with a high level of expertise in developing business solutions...
Read MoreLinesight (Ireland)
Delivering professional construction consultancy services and strategic support to multiple sectors globally since 1974
Read MoreVertrio Engenharia (Brazil)
Ziggurat institute
Read MoreReify. (Portugal)
Reify. is an integrated player that provides a full spectrum of real estate services – Architecture, Engineering, Development & Project Management, Intelligence, and Licensing – necessary to create, change, or boost projects, assets and cities.
Read MoreKeeada (Sweden)
Keeada’s is a developer of public-private partnerships
Read MoreFreelance Architects, designers and BIM experts
Matteo Mandrile (Italy)
Freelance architect, designer and BIM expert.
Read More