Digitalisation of building permits was detected as the critical knot to be solved, in order to pave the way towards massive digitalisation in the construction industry, and to enable the potential of automation and optimisation in the management of building and city data.
The topic has being developing for a couple of years and now some mature solutions start to be available. Moreover, some important cross-border (e.g. European) projects as well as other local initiatives are currently running and can present their results.
Therefore, the EUnet4DBP, together with several relevant organisations, is organising the “Second International Conference on Digital Building Permit” to dive into the current status of research, developments and implementations, and to provide the opportunity for several digital building permit actors to meet and discuss.
Multidisciplinarity and inter-sectoral collaboration are key to solve the multifaceted and complex challenge of building permit digitalisation. Therefore, the conference will be structured to host several different kinds of contributions and activities, from research to implementations, with a relevant part reserved to users and stakeholders, in order to investigate the challenges of the solutions’ uptake.
- Share progress all over Europe and the World
- Engage policy developers and regulators
- Show benefits and the value of building permit digitalisation through concrete examples
- Share solutions and components from several developers
- Encourage municipalities to bring their points of view and expertise
- Tackling the remaining outstanding problems and challenges
- Legal aspects discussion
- Share developments and experiences about data and technology for digital building permits
The conference is a Satellite event of the Festival of the New European Bauhaus
Conference Topics
Legislative system
- Capturing regulatory content
- Ambiguity and subjectivity in regulations
- Public policy, mapping, archive and records
- Sustainability and environmental checks supported by digital building permits
- Energy performance contracts and use cases related to retrofitting of existing buildings
- …
Procedural System
- Quality of applicant submissions,
- Implementation steps for transition
- Privacy in digital building permit
- Digital compliance
- …
Organizational system
- Social, environmental and business case for digital permitting
- Legal, credibility and ethical challenges
- Training and education for digital building permit
- Applications of digital building permit in municipalities
- Advantages and benefits of digital building permit
- …
Technological System
- Technologies for supported and automated compliance checking
- Current implementations
- Checking software demos
- Interoperability and software architectures and components for digital building permits
- Data, standards and ontologies in digital building permit
- GeoBIM
- …
Organizing Committee
Francesca Noardo (Chair), Open Geospatial Consortium, BELGIUM
Judith Fauth, University of Cambridge, UK
Dogus Guler, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY
José Granja, ISISE, University of Minho, PORTUGAL
Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura, University of Brescia, ITALY
Eduard Loscos, Building Digital Twin Association, BELGIUM
Pablo Vicente Legazpi, Building Digital Twin Association, BELGIUM
Nicholas Nisbet, buildingSMART, UK
Christian Schranz, TU Wien, AUSTRIA
Angelo Ciribini, University of Brescia, ITALY
Tomi Henttinen, buildingSMART, FINLAND
Anna-Riitta Kallinen, ARK Consulting, FINLAND
Rita Lavikka, VTT, FINLAND
Gonçal Costa, Ramon Llull University, SPAIN
Kavita Raj, University of Brescia, ITALY
Stefanie Kaiser, The Polytechnic University of Timisoara, ROMANIA
General information
Scientific Committee
Judith Fauth (Chair), University of Cambridge, UK
Adrian Wildenauer, Bern University of Applied Sciences, SWITZERLAND
Ali Ismail, Dubai municipality, VAE
Angelo Ciribini, University of Brescia, ITALY
Antero Hirvensalo, University of Turku, FINLAND
Christian Schranz, TU Wien, AUSTRIA
Cornelius Preidel, University of Applied Sciences Munich, GERMANY
Dogus Guler, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY
Edlira Vakaj, Birmingham City University, UK
Eduard Loscos, Building Digital Twin Association, BELGIUM
Eilif Hjelseth, NTNU, NORWAY
Elisabetta Colucci, Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
Filip Biljecki, National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE
Francesca Noardo, Open Geospatial Consortium, BELGIUM
Francisco Javier Díez, Tekniker, SPAIN
Gonçal Costa, Ramon Llull University, SPAIN
Harald Urban, TU Wien, AUSTRIA
Jantien Stoter, TU Delft, NETHERLANDS
Jernej Tekavec, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Joao Soliman Junior, University of Huddersfield, UK
Joaquin Diaz, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
José Granja, ISISE, University of Minho, PORTUGAL
Markus König, Ruhr University Bochum, GERMANY
Massimiliano Pepe, University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, ITALY
Miguel Azenha, ISISE, University of Minho, PORTUGAL
Nicholas Nisbet, buildingSMART, UK
Orjola Braholli, Fraunhofer Italia, ITALY
Pablo Vicente Legazpi, Building Digital Twin Association, BELGIUM
Pawel Bogulaski, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, POLAND
Pedro Meda Magalhães, Porto University, PORTUGAL
Peter Nørkjær Gade, UCN – University College of Northern Denmark, DENMARK
Piotr Zaborowski, Open Geospatial Consortium, POLAND
Ricardo Mateus, Universidade Lusófona, PORTUGAL
Rita Lavikka, VTT, FINLAND
Robert Amor, University of Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
Ronny Weinkauf, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
Ruben Verstraeten, Ghent University, BELGIUM
Saeid Emamgholian, AECO Innovation Lab, CANADA
Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura, University of Brescia, ITALY
Tanya Bloch, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
Tomi Henttinen, buildingSMART, FINLAND
Zijing Zhang, UCL, UK
Day 1 - 18 April
Legislative System9:20-10:50
Chair | Adrian Wildenauer – University of Applied Sciences Bern, Switzerland
Technological System 110:50-11:00
Technological System 111:30-13:00
Chair | Christian Schranz – Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Organisational System14:00-16:10
Chair | Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura – University of Brescia, Italy
Country-specific experiences16:30-18:20
Chair | Jaan Saar – Future Insight, Netherlands
DBP Dinner
Day 2 - 19 April
Procedural System9:00-11:00
Chair | Judith Fauth – University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Short pitches session11:30-12:00
Chair | Harald Urban – Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Technological system 212:00-13:05
Chair | Rita Lavikka – VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Technological system 314:00-15:30
Chair | Gonçal Costa – Ramon Llull University, Spain
Technological system 416:00-17:00
Chair | Eduard Loscos – Building Digital Twin Association, Belgium
Keynote speakers

Robert Amor
Title of the presentation:
AI thinks your building is compliant!
Robert Amor is a Computer Scientist who received his BSc(Hons) and MSc degrees from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. After receiving his PhD from the University of Auckland, New Zealand he spent five years working at the Centre for Construction IT at the BRE in the UK. He was the Head of Department of Computer Science at the University of Auckland for nine years. Prof Amor undertakes research in the field of Construction Informatics. Achieving interoperability is his core research interest and to achieve this he investigates integrated environments which covers information modelling (e.g., BIM), automated code compliance checking, process modelling, user interaction, implementation frameworks, information mapping, and communication strategies. Since 2003 he has coordinated the working group CIB W78 (IT for Construction) for the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB). He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology in Construction. He has two start-up companies, one to commercialise automated code compliance checking, and the other for VR-based training for natural disaster response.

Alain Zarli
Title of the presentation:
ECTP and Built4People Partnership: perspectives on future digitalisation of Construction value chains
Dr. Alain Zarli is Managing Partner at R2M Solution and Secretary General of ECTP, the European Construction Technology Platform. He was formerly Head of the “Innovation Numérique pour la Construction” division at the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) in the “Technologies de l’Information et Diffusion du Savoir” department (Sophia-Antipolis - FRANCE), and European Affairs manager in CSTB.
His main fields of interest are Information and Communication Technologies (including programming languages and compilation, semantic modelling, rule-based languages and knowledge-based systems, distributed architectures, software components, and technologies for smart constructions) and their broad application to the Built environment and the Construction industry, in particular BIM and Digital Twin technologies. He has been the Project Coordinator of various European collaborative FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects.
He is in support since a long time of ECTP initiatives (the E2B cPPP, the “Energy & Efficient Buildings”, “Active Ageing & Design”, “Infrastructures & Mobility” and “Digital Built Environment” Committees) in roadmapping and impact assessment, and is now responsible of the Built4People Partnership under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme too. He has been acting as expert for the review of various European R&D projects on behalf of the European Commission and has been participating in the European Commission Advisory group for ICT Infrastructure for energy-efficient buildings and neighbourhoods for carbon-neutral cities. He has been acting as leader of the “Open Data” Action Group in the European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities and Communities (EIP SCC), and has contributed as expert to the EIP SCC Operational Implementation Plan, in particular in the “Sustainable District and Built Environment” Action Cluster. He is the organiser and board member of various conferences in the past and present, including IEEE/ICE, CIB W78, ECPPM, as well as the series of ECTP conferences.

Hannele Kerosuo
Title of the presentation:
Enriching building permit process from social science perspective
Dr. Hannele Kerosuo is Docent (Adjunct Professor) of Organizational Learning in Faculty of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland and Visiting Researcher in Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University, Finland. She received her PhD (with credits) 2006 in the University of Helsinki. For several years Kerosuo has conducted research, supervised doctoral researchers, and lectured courses in organizational learning, development of competences at work, learning and transformative agency, and cultural-historical activity theory methodology. Main interests of her research are the development, learning and change in organizations, collaboration between experts, and learning and transformative agency. Hannele has conducted activity-theoretical studies mainly in health care organizations and construction industry. In construction industry, she has been involved in the implementation of BIM, development of a method of collaboration called “knotworking”, and peer learning in an inter-firm network. She has published about 60 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters by herself and with colleagues. During years 2009-2019, Kerosuo have been engaged in 12 publicly funded national projects as a responsible researcher or a senior reseracher. She is an active member of CRADLE (Center for Research on Development, Activity and Learning) at the University of Helsinki and RESET research group (Research Engagement for Sustainable and Equitable Transformations) in Tampere University. In construction industry her longterm collaboration partner has been Mittaviiva LtD.

Ophélie Vincendon
Title of the presentation:
Development and process of the BIM building permit in the State of Geneva.
Mme Ophélie Vincendon is an engineer and have a master degree in BIM methodology. After 4 years working in BIM fields in France, she joined the State of Geneva being in charge of the BIM program of the State. This is a transversal program which consist in develop and deploy BIM inside the cantonal administration, following the 3 main missions of Geneva's state in the construction field : the state as a Building Permit authority, the state as an asset manager, the state as a territory manager. This approach is as humain and technological as methodological and this is the continuation of the digitalisation of Geneva's State.

David Schwaninger
Title of the presentation:
Digital building permits and procedures from a legal perspective - where does Switzerland stand?
David Schwaninger is a partner at the Zurich law firm Blum&Grob Attorneys at Law. In addition to his work in construction and property law, he also advises on legal issues relating to information technology. In the Justitia 4.0 project, which concerns electronic communication with Swiss courts, David Schwaninger is a member of the project committee on behalf of the Swiss Bar Association. He also lectures regularly at various institutions and is a member of specialist groups dealing with the digitalisation of the construction and real estate industry.

Michael Flickenschild
Title of the presentation:
Towards a more resilient, green and digital construction ecosystem
Michael Flickenschild is a Senior consultant at Ecorys, an economic and public policy research consultancy based in Rotterdam. Michael specialises in the areas of digital and industrial policy specifically for the construction sector. He currently coordinates the High Level Construction Forum on behalf of the European Commission (DG GROW), which is a multi-level a stakeholder platform that aims to chart out the transition pathway towards a more resilient, green and digital construction ecosystem. He also coordinated a technical study for the development of an EU framework for digital building logbooks (DG GROW), which developed technical guidelines for the implementation of digital building logbooks in Member States. He participated as well in a project developing supporting actions for the digitalisation of construction SMEs (EISMEA), which developed a handbook and digital maturity scan for SMEs, a website with good practices and implemented trainings for construction SMEs. Previously, Michael worked at the European Parliament and he studied political science with a focus on European governance.
Call for contributions
You are invited to submit your contribution to the conference.
Two tracks are planned: a ‘research’ track, intended to host scientific studies, projects and initiatives, and a ‘practice’ track, to present concrete applications, current ongoing initiatives and implementations. In both cases, the link to further papers, materials and resources is allowed and encouraged.

Research track
Submit a 1000-1500 words abstract to be peer-reviewed.
Important dates
!!!NEW DEADLINE!!! 20th December 2023 | Extended abstract submission deadline
Submit a 1000-1500 words abstract, that will be peer reviewed.
31st January 2024 | Peer-review results
Accepted extended abstracts and mode of presentation will be communicated to participants.
!!!NEW DEADLINE!!! 8th March 2024 | Revised extended abstract due
Limit to submit the revision of the extended abstract
20th February 2024 | Deadline for speakers’ registration
For each extended abstract presented and published, there must be a paid DBP 24 registration.

Practice track
Submit a max 500 words abstract of the proposed presentation.
Important dates
!!!NEW DEADLINE!!! 25th January 2024 | Abstract submission deadline
Limit of 500 words abstract of the proposed presentation.
10th February 2024 | Presentation confirmation
Accepted abstracts and mode of presentation will be communicated to participants.
20th February 2024 | Deadline for speakers’ registration
For each presentation, there must be a paid DBP 24 registration.
All the abstracts will be published as proceedings in the conference publication (EUnet4DBP publication)
Best contributions will be invited to be extended and submitted to a scientific journal special issue or possibly to contribute to a Digital Building Permit book.
1 day Pass
Regular attendant-
Access to 1 day of the event
Access to the proceedings
Coofee breaks for 1 day
1 Lunch
1 day Pass
Public building permit Authorities-
Access to 1 dayof the event
Access to the proceedings
Coffee breaks for 1 day
1 Lunch
Full Pass - 2 days + BDTIC
Regular attendant-
Access to the 2 days of the event + access to the BDTIC event
Access to the proceedings
All coffee breaks
Lunch for the 3 days
COAC – Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya – Barcelona, Spain